- Perlman, S. Understanding our ancestry: A brief book note on a brilliant, concise book. Other/Wise – IFPE Online Journal, Vol. 4, Fall 2010, .
- Perlman, S. I do this for your own good: A story of shrieking, disaster and recovery. American Journal of Psychoanalysis, 69(4), pp. 330-347, 2009.
- Perlman, S. Falling into sexuality: Sexual boundary violations in psychotherapy. Psychoanalytic Review, 96(6), pp. 917-941, Dec. 2009.
- Perlman, S. One man’s journey through darkness into light in art and psychoanalysis. Other/Wise – IFPE Online Journal, Vol. 2, Fall 2009, .
- Perlman, S. Down Alice’s rabbit hole: Extreme dissociation as a matter of life and death. Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 19(2), pp. 197-203, 2009.
- Perlman, S. Angels in my consulting room: Kohut and others as selfobjects for a trauma therapist. International Journal of Psychoanalytic Self Psychology, 2(4), pp. 441-462, 2007.
- Perlman, S. On dissociation: Notes from a space alien. International Journal of Psychoanalytic Self Psychology, 1(4), pp. 413-434, 2006.
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- Perlman, S. Who dissociates? Incest survivor or therapist. Progress in Self Psychology, pp. 95-108, 2004.
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Convention Presentations
- Venice Beach regulars: The courage of the homeless. Presented at the International Forum for Psychoanalytic Education, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, November, 2011.
- Seeing is believing: A videotaped trauma treatment. Presented at the American Association for Psychoanalysis in Clinical Social Work Annual Conference, Marina del Rey, California, March, 2011.
- Painting the other’s soul: Psychoanalysis and art. Presented at the International Forum for Psychoanalytic Education, Nashville, Tennessee, October, 2010.
- Exploring the unspoken in a videotaped trauma treatment. Presented at the International Forum for Psychoanalytic Education, Seattle, Washington, October, 2009.
- Falling into sexuality. Presented at the American Association for Psychoanalysis in Clinical Social Work Annual Conference, New York, February, 2009.
- One man’s journey into art and psychoanalysis. Presented at the International Forum for Psychoanalytic Education, Boston, November, 2008.
- Falling into sexuality: Severe boundary violations in psychotherapy. American Psychological Association Spring Division 39 Conference, New York, April, 2008.
- Sexual boundary violations in psychotherapy. Presented at the Eighteenth Annual Interdisciplinary Conference of the International Federation for Psychoanalytic Education, Toronto, Canada, October, 2007
- Angels in my consulting room: Kohut and others as selfobjects for a trauma therapist. National Membership Committee on Psychoanalysis in Clinical Social Work 10th Annual Conference, Chicago, 2007
- I do this for your own good: a therapeutic story of shrieking, disaster and recovery. International Federation For Psychoanalytic Education’s 17th Annual Interdisciplinary Conference, Pasadena, CA, 2006
- Both/And: The mutual dialogue of trauma. International Federation For Psychoanalytic Education’s 14th Annual Interdisciplinary Conference, Pasadena, CA, 2003
- The therapist’s emotional survival and treating trauma. Los Angeles County Psychological Association Conference, Los Angeles, CA, October 2003
- The therapist’s emotional survival: Dealing with the pain of exploring trauma. California State University Bakersfield School Of Education Alumni Association Honored Speaker, 2002
- Post-traumatic stress: Back to the future. Aviva Family and Children’s Services 18th Annual Conference on Critical Issues of Adolescents. Studio City, CA, 2002
- Treating adolescents. Aviva Family and Children’s Services 16th Annual Conference on Critical Issues of Adolescents. Studio City, CA, 2000
- In the trenches treating a dissociated trauma survivor: a detailed process analysis. Presentation, Annual Conference on The Psychology of The Self, Chicago, 2000.
- A new paradigm for presenting patient treatment: contextualism. Presentation, Annual Conference on The Psychology of The Self, Toronto, Canada, 1999.
- Kohut, therapist rescue fantasies, and self psychology: pitfall or opportunity. Presentation, Annual Conference on The Psychology of The Self, San Diego, California, 1998.
- Therapist survival: the inner struggle treating sexual abuse and trauma survivors. Presentation, Annual Conference on The Psychology of The Self, Washington, D.C., 1996.
- Does transference know which part of the training and supervising analyst is which: a historical perspective on the frame of supervision. Chair and symposium presentation, American Psychological Association Convention, Los Angeles, 1995.
- “Reality” and countertransference in the treatment of sexual abuse patients: the false memory controversy. Invited presentation, American Academy of Psychoanalysis Convention, Santa Barbara, 1994.
- Implications of parallel process and transference for the frame of supervision: a historical perspective. Invited symposium, Los Angeles County Psychological Association Convention, 1994.
- Psychoanalytic treatment of chronic pain: the body speaks on multiple levels. Invited symposium, American Psychological Association Convention, Los Angeles, 1994.
- Psychoanalytic treatment of chronic pain. Invited presenter, Los Angeles County Association Convention, 1993.